Monday, 17 September 2012

Our weekly classroom helpers have been chosen. Ask your child if they have a job and what their job is for the week. The following jobs are: Line leader (leads the class to our destination) Door opener (when someone knocks the helper opens the door) Calendar (reads the calendar, sings the days of the week song, recites months and counts the days of the month)to the class. 100 chart (circles the next number of days we've been in school) Mail person (puts all out-going mail in the mail boxes) Line ender (turns off lights and closes the door when we leave the room) Shoes (two students are chosen to ensure there are no shoes left on the floor at night) Desks (two students are to wash all students desks before the 3:30 bell) Attendance (two helpers to take the attendance down to the office) Computer (the helper will ensure the computers are turned off at night) Whiteboard (the helper will clean the whiteboard everyday) All students that don't have a job that week will clean the floor.

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