Thursday, 8 November 2012

I apologize for not having the video posted but we have exhausted all avenues at this point. I will try again tomorrow. Wish us luck. The students have worked so hard on it and we wanted to share it with you. If you any ideas or suggestions please let me know.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

November 7, 2012
In religion the past few weeks we have been talking about peace and harmony, bullying and about the war. We have been practicing a poem called Destiny. Here are the words and a short video that the kids have recited for you. I am very proud of their hard work and awesome group work skills they have put forth.  Enjoy!

Battleships, tanks; and planes in the sky
All carried troops prepared to die
In the name of Freedom.
We call them Veterans, those so brave,
Names faded now upon their grave
As families wept.
From the Great War to present day,
They gave their lives, not ones to say
I surrender.
Flags half mast as bugles blow
Graveyards echo, as we show
Respect they’ve earned.
How much more must we give?
So in harmony, we all can live
We just cry out for Peace.
Remember sacrifices that were made,
As time marches on, and memories fade
Proudly wear a “Poppy”.


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Friday, 2 November 2012


Welcome to November
It's hard to believe it's already November1. The past two months have flown by and we have learned so much. We are learning the following this month:
Math: We will continue to work on our unit of numbers. This unit consisits of numbers and number word recognition, odd and even numbers, making sets, building numbers, problem solving and some estimation. Math is such an exciting time in grade one. There is so much learning happening and so much fun and excitemnt to learn new concepts.
Health/Social: I have combined our health and social units for the next two months. We will be learning all about families and community. There will be some homework for student and parents. Just a little!
Science: We will start our new unit on Objects and Materials. Students will learn how to compare objects? What kinds of materials can we use to build objects and structures? What kinds of materials and objects do we see in nature? What are some ways we can reduce waste from materials and objects.
Language Arts: Our unit study is on "Franklin" . Our favorite little turtle and his friends. The theme teaches, friendship, bullying, love, family values and so much more. I am excited to learn more about Franklin. We will use liteeracy stations, seat work and have some food experiences. Fly pie is afterall one of my favorite desserts. We're all kids at heart afterall.
Language Arts: We will continue to work on Jolly Phonics. The students are excited to start reading so many new words. We have completed all the consonants and have started on vowel combinations. We learned, ai, oa, and ie, and next week we will learn ee. I get so overwhelmed with excitement when they start asking what our new combinatio is today. You know that they are having good learning experiences and excited to learn. My job is wonderful!
>   Christmas concert practicing will start Monday and will continue throughout the month of       November.
> I am very organized and structured and have found that I live by my calendar so this month and the months to follow I will be posting a calendar. It's easier to follow what is going on if it's on paper in front of me. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me. I have one posted on my desk, on my fridge and one on my computer desk at home. Please feel free to print it off and post it. I may add to the calendar so stay tuned for updates.
God Bless
Mrs. Luce

All Saints Day mass at Resurrection Church 1:00
Return workbook for new words.
Reading Buddies
Continue to collect winter gear.
 Continue to collect winter gear
Book exchange. Please return library books.
Return workbook for new words.
Continue to collect winter gear
Remembrance Day service at school in the gym.
Reading Buddies
Remembrance Day
No School for teachers and students.
 Continue to collect winter gear
Continue to collect winter gear
Book exchange. Please return library books.
Return workbook for new words.
Continue to collect winter gear 
Reading Buddies
Continue to collect winter gear
Show and Share
Last day for winter gear collectiion.
Book exchange. Please return library books.
Return workbook for new words.
Reading Buddies
No School for students.
Report Cards go home today.
Parent/Teacher interviews in the evening.
Parent/Teacher interviews in the evening.
Return workbook for new words.
Reading Buddies
No school for teachers and students.
 Halloween Activities: